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Have civic pride, residents urged

The Lautoka City Council is pleading with residents to have some civic pride and use proper rubbish bins with tight lids to dispose garbage.

The plea follows reports of rubbish continually seen in drains and along major residential areas during allocated garbage collection days.

Council chief executive officer Mohammed Anees Khan said people needed to do the right thing and dispose their litter appropriately.

“The council humbly requests cooperation of all citizens in having civic pride and join hands in keeping our city clean and healthy by doing the right thing and place all litter in the appropriate bins for collection by LCC,” Mr Khan said.

“Promote civic pride by practising yourself, encouraging others and report uncivic behaviour to appropriate authorities.

“Love your pets, have them duly licensed, and do not let them become stray. De-sex or neuter your pets so they don’t multiply out of control.”

Lautoka Residents and Ratepayers Association president Narayan Reddy said Lautoka had always been known for its cleanliness, however, this seemed to have deteriorated in recent years.

Mr Reddy said the onus was on the city residents to practice basic hygiene measures.

“The bins are provided but people don’t use them,” he said.

“When the council announces the free clean-up campaign, residents put out their rubbish after their allocated date and this adds to the many litter lying scattered.

“Please take pride in our environment and dispose rubbish accordingly.”

Source: The Fiji Times  | 19 September, 2023

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